
I was interested in how ChatGPT on works so I created an account and had it write a few articles.
It’s actually really interesting and I can see how it will disrupt certain industries like journalists, copy editors, writers and related professions.

I created a half dozen articles including on “Write a unix BASH script that iterates through variables” and here’s what it spat out:
Below that is an AI article about climate change.
How interesting?


# Define the value to search for

# Define the text file to search in

# Check if the value exists in the text file
if grep -q “$value_to_search” “$text_file”; then
# The value exists in the text file, so execute your routine here
echo “Value ‘$value_to_search’ found in $text_file”
# Add your routine here
# The value does not exist in the text file
echo “Value ‘$value_to_search’ not found in $text_file”

Title: Global Warming Effects in the USA: A Looming Crisis


Global warming, driven primarily by the increased concentration of greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere, is having far-reaching effects on climate patterns and ecosystems around the world. The United States is no exception, as it grapples with the consequences of rising temperatures, more frequent and severe weather events, and shifts in its natural landscapes. This article explores some of the key impacts of global warming in the USA.

1. Rising Temperatures

One of the most prominent consequences of global warming in the USA is the steady increase in average temperatures. Over the past century, the country has experienced a significant rise in temperatures, with the past few decades witnessing an even more rapid warming trend. This not only leads to discomfort during heatwaves but also poses a serious threat to public health, particularly for vulnerable populations such as the elderly and those with pre-existing health conditions.

2. Increased Wildfires

Global warming has contributed to longer and more intense wildfire seasons in the United States. As temperatures rise and droughts become more common, the conditions for wildfires become increasingly favorable. States like California have been particularly hard-hit, with wildfires causing significant loss of life, property, and natural habitats.

3. More Severe Hurricanes

Warmer ocean temperatures fuel more powerful hurricanes, and the Atlantic coast of the United States has experienced the impact of this phenomenon. With stronger and more frequent hurricanes, coastal communities are at a heightened risk of flooding, wind damage, and storm surges. The destruction and economic losses associated with these events are substantial.

4. Coastal Erosion and Sea-Level Rise

Sea levels have been steadily rising due to global warming, primarily driven by the melting of polar ice caps and the thermal expansion of seawater. Coastal communities, especially in Florida and along the Gulf of Mexico, are already witnessing the effects of sea-level rise. As sea levels continue to climb, infrastructure, homes, and ecosystems near the coast are increasingly vulnerable to flooding and erosion.

5. Changes in Ecosystems

Global warming is causing shifts in ecosystems and habitats across the United States. Native species are struggling to adapt, and invasive species are encroaching on new territories. This disruption in the balance of ecosystems can have a domino effect on plant and animal populations, impacting biodiversity and the overall health of ecosystems.

6. Water Scarcity

Changing precipitation patterns, increased evaporation, and extended droughts are contributing to water scarcity issues in several regions of the United States. This has economic and agricultural implications, as well as potential consequences for drinking water supplies. Also, intrusion of salty ocean water into coastal freshwater estuaries.

7. Impact on Agriculture

Agriculture is a critical industry in the United States, and it is highly susceptible to the effects of global warming. Shifts in temperature and precipitation patterns can lead to decreased crop yields, livestock health issues, and increased production costs, all of which can have far-reaching economic repercussions.


The effects of global warming in the United States are becoming increasingly apparent and pose a significant challenge to the nation’s well-being, environment, and economy. Addressing this issue requires concerted efforts at both the individual and governmental levels, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, adopting sustainable practices, and implementing climate adaptation strategies. By taking meaningful action, the United States can mitigate the worst effects of global warming and protect the future for generations to come.

By Greg Miller

Ex-military cyber officer. Triathlete and mountain bike racer.