On Kali Linux (Debian)

  • apt-get install macchanger (But I think it’s already installed)
  • macchanger –help to see usage
  • ifconfig wlan0 down (Take down interface)
  • #macchanger -r wlan0 (Or whatever your interface is)
    • Permanent MAC: 00:24:d7:97:75:18 (Intel Corporate)
    • Current   MAC: 00:24:d7:97:75:18 (Intel Corporate)
    • New   MAC: 0c:cc:88:d6:9e:71 (unknown)
  • ifconfig wlan0 up (up interface)

root@kali:~# macchanger  –mac DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE wlan0
Permanent MAC: 00:24:d7:97:75:18 (Intel Corporate)
Current   MAC: 0c:cc:88:d6:9e:71 (unknown)
New       MAC: de:ad:be:ef:ca:fe (unknown)

root@KaLinux:/etc/default# macchanger –help
GNU MAC Changer
Usage: macchanger [options] device

-h,  –help                   Print this help
-V,  –version                Print version and exit
-s,  –show                   Print the MAC address and exit
-e,  –ending                Don’t change the vendor bytes
-a,  –another                Set random vendor MAC of the same kind
-A                            Set random vendor MAC of any kind
-p,  –permanent              Reset to original, permanent hardware MAC
-r,  –random                 Set fully random MAC
-l,  –list[=keyword]         Print known vendors
-m,  –mac=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

Understand that if you change your MAC, the DHCP server will ‘see’ as a new client needing a DHCP Lease.
This can lead to DHCP exhaustion if you don’t properly release leases.

Start a packet capture while you study this tool and you’ll see what I’m talking about.
Also, this can be done with ifconfig but this seems more interesting.


– Greg

By Greg Miller

Ex-military cyber officer. Triathlete and mountain bike racer.